Terms & Conditions

Our standard Terms & Conditions are based on industry standards and are designed to be straightforward and balanced

Canveo Master Services Agreement

Version Date: 18 April 2024

This Canveo Master Services Agreement (“MSA”) is made between Canveo Limited, an English limited company (“Canveo”), and the contracting party identified on the Order Form (“Customer”), together referred to as the “Parties” and each individually as a “Party”, as of the date that Customer first accepts this MSA (the “MSA Effective Date”). This MSA can be accepted by (i) executing an Order Form or SOW that references this MSA; (ii) executing this MSA; (iii) using Free Services.

The Parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this MSA, including any specific services terms, product details and any applicable license and/or subscription terms set forth in applicable Canveo Service Schedules, Order Form(s), SOW(s), or any further Canveo schedules and attachments, each of which become binding on the Parties and are incorporated into this MSA upon acceptance of this MSA.

Each Order Form and/or SOW is governed by and incorporates the following documents in effect as of the effective date of the applicable Order Form or SOW, collectively referred to as the “Agreement”, that consists of:

1. the Order Form and/or Statement of Work;

2. Service Schedule(s),

3. any attachments, addenda, and/or appendix(ices) to this MSA or a Service Schedule; and

4. this MSA.

The applicable attachment(s), addenda, appendix(ices), and Service Schedule(s) is determined by the Canveo Service(s) purchased on the Order Form and/or SOW. In the event of a conflict, the order of precedence is as set out above in descending order of control.

If Customer is given access to Free Services, the applicable provisions of this MSA will also govern those Free Services.

1. Definitions

Account” means a unique account established by Customer to enable its Authorized Users to access and use a Canveo Service.

Account Administrator” is an Authorized User who is assigned and expressly authorized by Customer as its agent to manage Customer’s Account, including, without limitation, to configure administration settings, assign access and use authorizations, request different or additional services, provide usage and performance reports, manage templates, assist in third-party product integrations, and to receive privacy disclosures. Customer may appoint an employee or a third-party business partner or contractor to act as its Account Administrator and may change its designation at any time through its Account.

Affiliate” of a Party means any entity that the Party directly or indirectly owns or controls more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting interests of the subject entity. Any legal entity will be considered a Party’s Affiliate as long as that interest is maintained.

Authorized User” means one individual natural person, whether an employee, business partner, contractor, or agent of Customer or its Affiliates who is registered by Customer in Customer’s Account to use the Canveo Services. An Authorized User must be identified by a unique email address and user name, and two or more persons may not use the Canveo Services as the same Authorized User. If the Authorized User is not an employee of Customer, use of the Canveo Services will be allowed only if the user is under confidentiality obligations with Customer at least as restrictive as those in the Agreement and is accessing or using the Canveo Services solely to support Customer’s and/or Customer Affiliates’ internal business purposes. For clarification, "internal business purposes" includes the sending of eDocuments to third party recipients for purposes of supporting Customer's business activities, including the sending of eDocuments to Customer’s suppliers and customers for review and signature. 

Canveo Service(s)” means the products and services that are ordered by Customer under an Order Form, or provided to Customer under Free Services, and made available online by Canveo, including associated offline or mobile components, as described in the Documentation. Canveo Services do not include Third-Party Services (defined below).

Confidential Information” means: (a) for Canveo and its Affiliates, the Canveo Services, Documentation and other related technical information, security policies and processes, product roadmaps, and pricing; (b) for Customer and its Affiliates, Customer Data; (c) any other information of a Party or its Affiliates that is disclosed in writing or orally and is designated as confidential or proprietary at the time of disclosure to the Party, including its Affiliates, receiving Confidential Information (“Recipient”) (and, in the case of oral disclosures, summarized in writing and delivered to the Recipient within thirty (30) days of the initial disclosure), or that due to the nature of the information the Recipient should reasonably understand it to be confidential information of the disclosing Party; and (d) the terms and conditions of the Agreement between the Parties. Confidential Information does not include any information that: (i) was or becomes generally known to the public through no fault or breach of the Agreement by the Recipient; (ii) was rightfully in the Recipient’s possession at the time of disclosure without restriction on use or disclosure; (iii) was independently developed by the Recipient without use of or reference to the disclosing Party's Confidential Information; or (iv) was rightfully obtained by the Recipient from a third party not under a duty of confidentiality and without restriction on use or disclosure. 

Customer Data” means any content, eDocuments, materials, data and information that Customer or its Authorized Users enter into the Canveo Services, including, but not limited to, any Customer personal data and information contained in eDocuments. Customer Data does not include any component of the Canveo Services or material provided by or on behalf of Canveo.

Documentation” means Canveo's then-current technical and functional documentation for the Canveo Services, if any, as made generally available by Canveo.

eDocument” refers to a contract or any other record or document generated using or deposited into the Canveo Service for processing. 

Free Services” means any Canveo Services that Canveo makes available to Customer free of charge.

Indemnified Party(ies)” means the Party (whether Canveo or Customer) being indemnified under the “Third-Party Claims” Section, including its employees, directors, agents, and representatives.

Indemnifying Party(ies)” means the Party (whether Canveo or Customer) that is providing indemnification under the “Third-Party Claims” Section,

“Order End Date” means the end date for provision of a respective Canveo Service specified in a corresponding Order Form or SOW. 

Order Form” means the order form provided by Canveo that sets forth the pricing and the Canveo Services selected by Customer.

Order Start Date” means the start date for provision of a respective Canveo Service specified in a corresponding Order Form or SOW.

Professional Services” means any integration, consulting, architecture, training, transition, configuration, administration, and similar ancillary Canveo Services that are set forth in an Order Form or Statement of Work (“SOW”).

Service Schedule” means the service-specific terms and conditions applicable to the Canveo Service(s).

System” means the software systems and programs, the communication and network facilities, and the hardware and equipment used by Canveo or its agents to make available the Canveo Services via the Internet.

"Third-Party Services" means services, software, products, applications, integrations, and other features or offerings that are provided by Customer or obtained by Customer from a third party.

2. Usage and Access Rights

2.1 Right to Use. Canveo will provide the Canveo Services to Customer as set forth in the Order Form and/or SOW. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Canveo grants to Customer a worldwide, limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right and license during the Term, solely for its and its Affiliates’ internal business purposes, and in accordance with the Documentation, to: (a) access and use the Canveo Services; (b) implement, configure, and through its Account Administrator, permit its Authorized Users to access and use the Canveo Services; and (c) access and use the Documentation. Customer will ensure that its Affiliates and all Authorized Users using the Canveo Services under its Account comply with all of Customer’s obligations under the Agreement, and Customer is responsible for their acts and omissions relating to the Agreement as though they were those of Customer. A Customer Affiliate may enter into an Order Form or SOW directly with Canveo under this MSA by a mutually executed Order Form or SOW that references this MSA. In such event: (i) the Customer Affiliate will be bound by this MSA and will be fully responsible for its liabilities and obligations under the applicable Order Form or SOW; and (ii) all references to “Customer” in the Agreement will be deemed references to the Customer Affiliate set forth on the Order Form or SOW for purposes of defining the rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder.

2.2 Restrictions. Customer shall not, and shall not permit its Authorized Users or others under its control to, do the following with respect to the Canveo Services: 

(a) use the Canveo Services, or allow access to it, in a manner that circumvents contractual usage restrictions or that exceeds Customer’s authorized use set forth in the Agreement, including the applicable Order Form or SOW; if Customer exceeds such a restriction, Canveo may work with Customer to seek to reduce Customer’s users or usage so that it conforms to that limit. If Customer is unable or unwilling to do so, Customer will pay any related invoice in accordance with the Section “Payment of Fees” below, and will execute an Order Form for additional quantities upon Canveo’s request;

(b) license, sub-license, sell, re-sell, rent, lease, transfer, distribute, time share or otherwise make any portion of the Canveo Services or Documentation available for access by third parties except as otherwise expressly provided in the Agreement;

(c) access or use the Canveo Services or Documentation for the purpose of: (i) developing or operating products or services intended to be offered to third parties in competition with the Canveo Services, or (ii) allowing access to its Account by a direct competitor of Canveo;

(d) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or copy any of the Canveo Services or technologies or its design, graphics or features, or otherwise attempt to derive source code or other trade secrets or create any derivative works from or about any of the Canveo Services or technologies, or use the machine-learning algorithm output generated from the Canveo Services to train, calibrate, or validate, in whole or in part, any other systems, programs or platforms, or for benchmarking, software-development, or other competitive purposes, except pursuant to Customer’s non-waivable rights under applicable law, without Canveo’s written consent;

(e) use the Canveo Services or Documentation in a way that: (i) violates or infringes upon the rights of a third party, including those pertaining to: contract, intellectual property, privacy, or publicity; or (ii) effects or facilitates the storage or transmission of libelous, tortious, or otherwise unlawful material including, but not limited to, material that is harassing, threatening, or obscene;

(f) use the Canveo Services to create, use, send, store, or run viruses or other harmful computer code, files, scripts, agents, or other programs, or circumvent or disclose the user authentication or security of the Canveo Services or any host, network, or account related thereto or use any aspect of the Canveo Services components other than those specifically identified in an Order Form or SOW, even if technically possible; or

(g) use, or allow the use of, the Canveo Services in violation of the “Trade Restrictions” Section.

2.3 Suspension of Access. Canveo may suspend any use of the Canveo Services or remove or disable any Account or content that Canveo reasonably and in good faith believes violates the “Restrictions” Section above. Canveo will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify Customer prior to any such suspension or disablement, unless Canveo reasonably believes that: (a) it is prohibited from doing so under applicable law or under legal process (such as court or government administrative agency processes, orders, mandates, and the like); or (b) it is necessary to delay notice in order to prevent imminent harm to the Canveo Services or a third party. Under circumstances where notice is delayed, Canveo will provide notice if and when the related restrictions in the previous sentence no longer apply.

2.4 Third-Party Services. Customer may choose to obtain Third-Party Services from third parties and/or Canveo (for example, through a reseller arrangement or otherwise). Such third parties are independent contractors and not agents, employees, or subcontractors of Canveo. Any acquisition by Customer of Third-Party Services is solely between Customer and the applicable Third-Party Service provider and Canveo does not warrant, support, or assume any liability or other obligation with respect to such Third-Party Services, unless expressly provided otherwise in the Order Form or the Agreement. In the event Customer chooses to integrate or interoperate Third-Party Services with Canveo Services in a manner that requires Canveo or the Canveo Services to exchange Customer Data with such Third-Party Service or Third-Party Service provider, Customer: (a) grants Canveo permission to allow the Third-Party Service and Third-Party Service provider to access Customer Data and information about Customer’s usage of the Third-Party Services as appropriate and necessary to enable the interoperation of that Third-Party Service with the Canveo Services; (b) acknowledges that any exchange of data between Customer and any Third-Party Service is solely between Customer and the Third-Party Service provider and is subject to the Third-Party Service provider’s terms and conditions governing the use and provision of such Third-Party Service (the presentation and manner of acceptance of which is controlled solely by the Third-Party Service provider); and (c) agrees that Canveo is not responsible for any disclosure, modification or deletion of Customer Data resulting from access to such data by Third-Party Services and Third-Party Service providers.

2.5 Free Services. To the extent Canveo makes available Free Services to Customer, then notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this MSA, the following will apply: (i) Free Services are free of charge; (ii) Canveo may terminate Free Services in its sole discretion without notice at any point in time; (iii) Free Services end either at their end date, when Customer purchases a subscription, or when Canveo terminates the Free Services; (iv) Free Services may only be installed in development or testing environments, and may only be used for evaluation purposes; (v) Canveo will not be subject to any uptime, security or support obligations in relation to the Free Services; (vi) any Customer Data or configuration of the Canveo Services may be lost at the end of the Free Services.


3. Ownership

3.1 Customer Data. Customer Data processed using the Canveo Services is and will remain, as between Customer and Canveo, owned by Customer. Customer hereby grants Canveo the right to process, transmit, store and disclose Customer Data in order to provide the Canveo Services to Customer, solely in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and subject to the terms of the “Required Disclosure” Section below.

3.2 Canveo Services. Canveo, its Affiliates, or its licensors own all right, title, and interest in and to any and all copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, database rights, and other intellectual property or other rights in and to the Canveo Services and Documentation, any improvements, design contributions, or derivative works thereto, and any knowledge or processes related thereto (including any machine learning algorithms output from the Canveo Services) and/or provided hereunder. 

3.3 Professional Services. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable SOW, all deliverables provided by or for Canveo in the performance of Professional Services, excluding Customer Data and Customer Confidential Information, are owned by Canveo and constitute part of the Professional Service(s) under the Agreement. Effective only as of final payment by Customer to Canveo of all amounts required by an Order Form or SOW, and subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Canveo grants to Customer a nonexclusive, for the duration of legal protection, worldwide, royalty-free license to use deliverables created for Customer during performance of Professional Services (“Work Product”) provided to Customer under the Order Form or SOW, solely for purposes of Customer’s internal business operations. This license includes permission to make copies of the provided Work Product for such internal use but not permission to distribute the Work Product or any copies of them.

3.4 Feedback. Canveo encourages Customer to provide suggestions, proposals, ideas, recommendations, or other feedback regarding improvements to Canveo Services and related resources (“Feedback”). To the extent Customer provides Feedback, Customer grants to Canveo and its Affiliates a royalty-free, fully paid, sub-licensable, transferable (notwithstanding the “Assignability” Section below), non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide right and license to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and otherwise exploit Feedback (including by incorporation of such feedback into the Canveo Services) without restriction. Customer shall ensure that: (a) Feedback does not identify Customer, its Affiliates, or Authorized Users, or include any Customer Data; and (b) Customer has obtained requisite authorization from any Authorized User or other third party to grant the license described herein. For the avoidance of doubt, Feedback does not constitute Customer Confidential Information.

4. Security and Customer Data

4.1 Security. Canveo will use commercially reasonable industry standard security technologies in providing the Canveo Services. Canveo has implemented and will maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures, including information security policies and safeguards, designed to preserve the security, integrity, and confidentiality of Customer Data and Customer personal data and to protect against unauthorized or unlawful disclosure or corruption of or access to such data. Additional or differing security obligations, if any, will be expressly set forth in the applicable Service Schedule, Order Form, or separate written agreement between the Parties. 

4.2 Customer Data. Customer is responsible for Customer Data (including Customer personal data) as entered into, supplied or used by Customer and its Authorized Users in the Canveo Services. Further, Customer is solely responsible for determining the suitability of the Canveo Services for Customer's business and complying with any applicable data privacy and protection regulations, laws or conventions applicable to Customer Data and Customer’s use of the Canveo Services. Customer grants to Canveo the non-exclusive right to process Customer Data (including personal data) in accordance with the Data Protection Attachment for Canveo Services separately agreed between the Parties, if any, for the sole purpose of and only to the extent necessary for Canveo: (a) to provide the Canveo Services; (b) to verify Customer’s compliance with the restrictions set forth in the “Restrictions” Section if Canveo has a reasonable belief of Customer’s non-compliance; and (c) as otherwise set forth in the Agreement.

4.3 Usage Data. Canveo may collect and use data, information, or insights generated or derived from the use of the Canveo Services (“Usage Data”) for its business purposes, including industry analysis, benchmarking, analytics, marketing, and developing, training and improving its products and services. Before doing so, Canveo will deidentify and anonymize all Usage Data in such manner that does not allow for the identification of Customer Data, or Customer's Confidential Information, and will disclose such Usage Data in aggregate form only.

5. Payment of Fees

5.1 Fees. Except as expressly set forth in the applicable Order Form or SOW, Customer will pay all fees set forth in the Order Form or SOW in accordance with the following: (a) Canveo Services fees are invoiced annually in advance; (b) the first invoice will coincide with the Order Start Date of an Order Form or the effective date of a SOW; (c) payment will be due within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice; and (d) all amounts will be denominated and payable in the currency specified in the Order Form and/or SOW. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties and expressly noted in the Order Form and/or SOW, invoices will be sent to Customer via email. Upon execution by Customer and Canveo, each Order Form and/or SOW is non-cancellable and non-refundable except as provided in the Agreement, and the Term as set forth in the Order Form for Canveo Services is a continuous and non-divisible commitment for the full duration of the Term regardless of any invoice schedule. Purchased quantities or subscription levels if applicable cannot be decreased during the Term. Customer may withhold from payment any charge or amount disputed by Customer in good faith pending resolution of such dispute, provided that Customer: (i) notifies Canveo of the dispute prior to the date such payment is due, specifying in such notice (A) the amount in dispute, and (B) the reason for the dispute set out in sufficient detail to facilitate investigation by Canveo and resolution by the Parties; (ii) makes timely payment of all undisputed charges and amounts; (iii) works diligently with Canveo to resolve the dispute promptly; and (iv) pays all amounts that are determined to be payable by resolution of the dispute (by adversarial proceedings, agreement or otherwise) within thirty (30) days following such resolution.

5.2 Purchase Orders. If Customer issues a purchase order, then it shall be for the full amount set forth in the applicable Order Form or SOW, and Canveo hereby rejects any additional or conflicting terms appearing in a purchase order or any other ordering materials submitted by Customer, and conditions assent solely based on the terms and conditions of the Agreement as offered by Canveo. Upon request, Canveo shall reference the purchase order number on its invoices, provided, however, that Customer acknowledges that it is Customer’s responsibility to provide the corresponding purchase order information (including a purchase order number) to Canveo upon the signing of any Order Form. Customer agrees that a failure to provide Canveo with the corresponding purchase order shall not relieve Customer of its obligations to provide payment to Canveo pursuant to the “Fees” Section above.

5.3 Offsets; Late Charges; Attorneys’ Fees. If Canveo owes any amounts to Customer that are not derived from the Agreement, such amounts will not be withheld or offset against any invoice issued under the Agreement. Canveo may assess late charges equal to the lesser of one and one-half percent (1.5%) of the unpaid balance per month or the highest rate permitted by applicable law. Customer will be responsible for any reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses incurred by Canveo to collect any amounts that are not paid when due. If Customer fails to timely pay any amounts due under the Agreement, then without limitation of any of its other rights or remedies, Canveo may, upon prior written notice to Customer, suspend performance of those Canveo Services until Canveo receives all past due amounts from Customer.

5.4 Purchases Through Resellers.Reseller” means an entity that has entered into an agreement with Canveo that, among other things, authorizes that entity to resell the services provided by Canveo hereunder. If Customer enters into an order with a Reseller, any terms herein related to ordering, invoicing, refunds or credits will not apply. Such commercial terms will need to be established between Customer and Reseller. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this section affects suspension or deactivation rights of Canveo under this Agreement.

6. Taxes

6.1 Tax Responsibility. All payments required by the Agreement are stated exclusive of all taxes, duties, levies, imposts, fines or similar governmental assessments, including sales and use taxes, value-added taxes (“VAT”), goods and services taxes (“GST”), excise, business, service, and similar transactional taxes imposed by any jurisdiction and the interest and penalties thereon (collectively, “Taxes”). Without limiting the foregoing, Customer shall be responsible for and bear Taxes associated with its purchase of, payment for, access to or use of the Canveo Services. Taxes shall not be deducted from the payments to Canveo, except as required by law, in which case Customer shall increase the amount payable as necessary so that after making all required deductions and withholdings, Canveo receives and retains (free from any Tax liability) an amount equal to the amount it would have received had no such deductions or withholdings been made. If Customer claims tax exempt status for amounts due under the Agreement, it shall provide Canveo with a valid tax exemption certificate (authorized by the applicable governmental authority) to avoid application of Taxes to Customer’s invoice. Each Party is responsible for and shall bear Taxes imposed on its net income. Customer hereby confirms that Canveo can rely on the ship-to name and address set forth in the Order Form(s) or SOW Customer places directly with Canveo as being the place of supply for Tax purposes. The Parties’ obligations under this “Tax Responsibility” Section shall survive the termination or expiration of the Agreement.

6.2 Invoicing Taxes. If Canveo is required to invoice or collect Taxes associated with Customer’s purchase of, payment for, access to or use of the Canveo Services, Canveo will issue an invoice to Customer including the amount of those Taxes, itemized where required by law. If applicable, Customer shall provide to Canveo its VAT, GST or similar tax identification number(s) on the Order Form or SOW. Customer shall use the ordered Canveo Services for Customer's business use in the locations set forth on the Order Form or SOW in accordance with the provided VAT or GST identification number(s).

7. Term and Termination

7.1 Term. The term of an Order Form and any associated Service Schedule(s) is the period of time that begins on the Order Start Date and, unless terminated sooner as provided herein, will continue until the Order End Date, both dates as specified on the Order Form (the “Term”). In the case of a SOW for Professional Services, if no end date is specified in the SOW, then the SOW shall expire upon completion of Professional Services or early termination as permitted by the Agreement. The term of this MSA and the Agreement shall continue as long as an Order Form or SOW referencing or incorporated into this MSA remains valid and in effect. Termination or expiration of any Order Form or SOW shall leave other Order Forms or SOWs unaffected.

7.2 Renewal. Purchased subscriptions will automatically renew for additional Terms, unless either Party gives the other written notice at least 30 days before the end of the relevant Term. The auto-renew Terms will be equal to the expiring Terms or one year (whichever is shorter).

7.3 Renewal Pricing. The fees for each renewal Term will generally be the same as the fees for the immediately prior Term, subject to the following: (i) Canveo has the option to apply a price increase corresponding to the higher of 3% and an increase in the consumer price index applicable to Canveo’s principal place of business, since the start of the prior Term; (ii) if the pricing for the prior Term was promotional, introductory, one-time, or the like, the renewal pricing will be at Canveo’s applicable list price in effect at the time of the renewal; (iii) any renewal in which subscription volume or subscription length has decreased from the prior Term will result in re-pricing at renewal without regard to the prior Term’s per-unit pricing.

7.4 Termination for Breach; Termination for Insolvency. If either Party commits a material breach or default in the performance of any of its obligations under the Agreement, then the other Party may terminate the Agreement in its entirety by giving the defaulting Party written notice of termination, unless the material breach or default in performance is cured within thirty (30) days after the defaulting Party receives notice thereof. Either Party may terminate the Agreement in its entirety upon written notice if the other Party becomes the subject of a petition in bankruptcy or any proceeding related to its insolvency, receivership or liquidation, in any jurisdiction, that is not dismissed within sixty (60) days of its commencement, or an assignment for the benefit of creditors. If Customer terminates the Agreement for Canveo's breach, pursuant to this Section, that is incapable of cure, Canveo will provide a prorated refund to Customer for any prepaid fees received by Canveo under the Agreement that correspond to the unused portion of the Term. If Canveo terminates the Agreement for Customer’s breach, pursuant to this Section, that is incapable of cure, Customer will pay any unpaid fees covering the remainder of the term of all Order Forms or SOWs, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

7.5 Post-Termination Obligations. If the Agreement expires or is terminated for any reason: (a) Customer will pay to Canveo any amounts that have accrued before, and remain unpaid as of, the effective date of the expiration or termination; (b) any and all liabilities of either Party to the other Party that have accrued before the effective date of the expiration or termination will survive; (c) licenses and use rights granted to Customer with respect to the Canveo Services and related intellectual property will immediately terminate; (d) Canveo’s obligation to provide any further Canveo Services to Customer under the Agreement will immediately terminate, except any such Canveo Services that are expressly to be provided following the expiration or termination of the Agreement; and (e) the Parties’ rights and obligations under Sections “Usage Data”, “Tax Responsibility”, “Post-Termination Obligations”, “Retrieval of Customer Data and Transition Services”, “Disclaimer”, “Limitation of Liability”, “Confidentiality”, “Governing Law and Venue”, “General” will survive.

7.6 Retrieval of Customer Data and Transition Services. During the Term, Customer may extract Customer Data from the Canveo Services as described in the Documentation and the applicable Service Schedule. If, upon termination or expiration of the Agreement, Customer has failed to retrieve its Customer Data and/or if Customer otherwise requires further support from Canveo in relation to such termination or expiration, Customer may request and Canveo will provide: (a) assistance in retrieving Customer Data and completed eDocuments still remaining in the Canveo Services, and/or (b) other reasonable transition assistance, the details of which will be set forth in a mutually agreed upon Statement of Work between the Parties at Canveo's then-current rates for such services.

8. Warranties and Disclaimers

8.1 Canveo Service Warranties. Canveo warrants that: (a) during the applicable Term, the Canveo Services, when used as authorized under the Agreement, will perform substantially in conformance with the Documentation associated with the applicable Canveo Services; (b) Canveo will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Canveo Services do not introduce files, scripts, agents, or programs intended to do harm, including, for example, viruses, worms, time bombs, and Trojan horses into Customer's system; and (c) the operation of its business as it relates to the Canveo Services will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any breach of the warranties in subparagraphs (a) and (b) above by Canveo is for Canveo to repair or replace the affected Canveo Services to make them conform, or, if Canveo determines that the foregoing remedy is not commercially reasonable, then either Party may terminate the Agreement, and, in such event, Canveo will provide a prorated refund to Customer for any prepaid fees received by Canveo under the Agreement that correspond to nonconforming Canveo Services and the unused portion of the Term. 

8.2 Canveo Professional Services Warranties. If Customer has purchased Professional Services in an Order Form and/or SOW, Canveo warrants to Customer that the Professional Services will be performed in a competent and workmanlike manner. Customer’s exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty is to notify Canveo in writing within thirty (30) days of the non-conforming Professional Services. Upon receipt of such notice, Canveo will use commercially reasonable efforts to re-perform the Professional Services in conformance with these warranty requirements. This Section sets forth Customer’s exclusive rights and remedies and Canveo’s sole liability in connection with the warranty related to the performance of the Professional Services. 

8.3 Mutual Warranties. Each Party represents and warrants that: (a) the Agreement has been duly executed and delivered and constitutes a valid and binding agreement enforceable against it in accordance with the terms of the Agreement; (b) no authorization or approval from any third party is required in connection with its execution of the Agreement; and (c) it is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the state of its incorporation or formation and has full power and authority to enter into the Agreement and to carry out the provisions hereto.


9. Third-Party Claims

9.1 By Canveo. Canveo will defend and, in accordance with the “Procedures” Section, indemnify Customer’s Indemnified Parties from and against, any: (a) third-party claim; (b) third-party legal action; or (c) administrative agency action or proceeding (each, a “Claim”) to the extent arising from: (i) any actual breach by Canveo of its confidentiality obligations in the Agreement; and (ii) any alleged infringement of any third-party intellectual property right occurring from Customer’s use of the Canveo Services as authorized under the Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Canveo will not be responsible for any Claim due to Customer’s or its Authorized User’s combination of Canveo Services with goods or services provided by third parties, including any Third-Party Services; adherence to specifications, designs, or instructions furnished by Customer; or Customer’s modification of the Canveo Services not described in the Documentation or otherwise expressly authorized by Canveo in writing. 

9.2 By Customer. Customer will defend and, in accordance with Section “Procedures” below, indemnify Canveo’s Indemnified Parties from and against, any Claim to the extent arising from any breach by Customer of its obligations under subparagraphs (e) through (g) of the “Restrictions” Section above.

9.3 Procedures. The Parties’ respective obligations in this Section “Third-Party Claims” are conditioned on: (a) the Indemnified Parties giving the Indemnifying Party prompt written notice of the Claim, except that the failure to provide prompt notice will only limit the indemnification obligations to the extent the Indemnifying Party is prejudiced by the delay or failure; (b) the Indemnifying Party being given full and complete control over the defense and settlement of the Claim; and (c) the relevant Indemnified Parties providing assistance in connection with the defense and settlement of the Claim, as the Indemnifying Party may reasonably request. The Indemnifying Party will indemnify the Indemnified Parties against: (i) all damages, costs, and attorneys’ fees finally awarded against any of them with respect to any Claim; (ii) all out-of-pocket costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) reasonably incurred by any of them in connection with the defense of the Claim (other than attorneys’ fees and costs incurred without the Indemnifying Party’s consent after it has accepted defense of such Claim); and (iii) all amounts that the Indemnifying Party agreed to pay to any third party in settlement of any Claims arising under this Section “Third-Party Claims” and settled by the Indemnifying Party or with its approval. The Indemnifying Party shall not, without the relevant applicable Indemnified Parties’ prior written consent, agree to any settlement on behalf of such Indemnified Parties which includes either the obligation to pay any amounts, or any admissions of liability, whether civil or criminal, on the part of any of the Indemnified Parties. 

9.4 Infringement Remedy. If Customer is enjoined or otherwise prohibited from using any of the Canveo Services or a portion thereof based on a Claim covered by Canveo’s indemnification obligations under the “By Canveo” Section above, then Canveo will, at its sole expense and option, either: (a) obtain for Customer the right to use the affected portions of the Canveo Services; (b) modify the allegedly infringing portions of the Canveo Services so as to avoid the Claim without substantially diminishing or impairing their functionality; or (c) replace the allegedly infringing portions of the Canveo Services with items of substantially similar functionality so as to avoid the Claim. If Canveo determines that the foregoing remedies are not commercially reasonable and notifies Customer of such determination, then either Party may terminate the Agreement, and in such case, Canveo will provide a prorated refund to Customer for any prepaid fees for the infringing Canveo Services received by Canveo under the Agreement that correspond to the unused portion of the Term. The remedies set out in this Section “Third-Party Claims” are Customer’s sole and exclusive remedies for any actual or alleged infringement by the Canveo Services of any third-party intellectual property right.

10. Limitation of Liability



10.3 Independent Allocations of Risk. Each provision of the Agreement that provides for a limitation of liability, disclaimer of warranties, or exclusion of damages represents an agreed allocation of the risks of the Agreement between the Parties. This allocation is reflected in the pricing offered by Canveo to Customer and is an essential element of the basis of the bargain between the Parties. Each of these provisions is severable and independent of all other provisions of the Agreement, and each of these provisions will apply even if the warranties in the Agreement have failed of their essential purpose.

11. Confidentiality

11.1 Restricted Use and Nondisclosure. During and after the Term, Recipient will: (a) use the Confidential Information of the disclosing Party solely for the purpose for which it is provided; (b) not disclose such Confidential Information to a third party, except on a need-to-know basis to its Affiliates, attorneys, auditors, consultants, and service providers who are under confidentiality obligations at least as restrictive as those contained herein; and (c) protect such Confidential Information from unauthorized use and disclosure to the same extent (but using no less than a reasonable degree of care) that it protects its own Confidential Information of a similar nature.

11.2 Required Disclosure. If Recipient is required by law to disclose Confidential Information of the disclosing Party, Recipient will give prompt written notice to the disclosing Party before making the disclosure, unless prohibited from doing so by legal or administrative process, and cooperate with the disclosing Party to obtain where reasonably available an order protecting the Confidential Information from public disclosure.

11.3 Ownership. Recipient acknowledges that, as between the Parties, all Confidential Information it receives from the disclosing Party, including all copies thereof in Recipient’s possession or control, in any media, is proprietary to and exclusively owned by the disclosing Party. Nothing in the Agreement grants Recipient any right, title or interest in or to any of the disclosing Party’s Confidential Information. Recipient’s incorporation of the disclosing Party’s Confidential Information into any of its own materials will not render Confidential Information non-confidential.

11.4 Remedies. Recipient acknowledges that any actual or threatened breach of this Section “Confidentiality” may cause irreparable, non-monetary injury to the disclosing Party, the extent of which may be difficult to ascertain. Accordingly, the disclosing Party is entitled to (but not required to) seek injunctive relief in addition to all remedies available to the disclosing Party at law and/or in equity, to prevent or mitigate any breaches of the Agreement or damages that may otherwise result from those breaches. Absent written consent of the disclosing Party to the disclosure, the Recipient, in the case of a breach of this Section “Confidentiality”, has the burden of proving that the disclosing Party’s Confidential Information is not, or is no longer, confidential or a trade secret and that the disclosure does not otherwise violate this Section “Confidentiality”

12. Governing Law and Venue

12.1 The Agreement and any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including, without limitation, non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. Each Party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims). The provisions of the 1980 U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods are expressly excluded and do not apply to the Agreement. 

12.2 To the extent allowed by law, the English version of the Agreement is binding, and other translations are for convenience only.

13. General

13.1 Relationship. The Parties are independent contractors. The Agreement does not create a partnership, franchise, joint venture, agency, fiduciary or employment relationship between the Parties. Except as set forth in the Agreement, nothing in the Agreement, expressed or implied is intended to give rise to any third-party beneficiary.

13.2 Assignability. Neither Party may assign its rights or obligations under the Agreement without the other Party’s prior written consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either Party may assign its rights and obligations under the Agreement to an Affiliate as part of a reorganization, or to a purchaser of its business entity or substantially all of its assets or business to which rights and obligations pertain without the other Party’s consent, provided that: (a) the purchaser is not insolvent or otherwise unable to pay its debts as they become due; (b) the purchaser is not a competitor of the other Party; and (c) any assignee is bound hereby. Other than the foregoing, any attempt by either Party to transfer its rights or obligations under the Agreement will be void.

13.3 Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given in accordance with the Agreement will be effective only if it is in writing and sent using: (a) email or Canveo Services; (b) certified or registered mail; or (c) a nationally recognized overnight courier, in each case to the appropriate Party at the address set forth on the Order Form, with a copy, in the case of Canveo, to legal@getcanveo.com. Each Party hereto expressly consents to service of process by registered mail. Either Party may change its address for receipt of notice by notice to the other Party through a notice provided in accordance with this Section. Notices are deemed given upon receipt if delivered using email or Canveo Services, two (2) business days following the date of mailing, or one (1) business day following delivery to a courier.

13.4 Force Majeure. In the event that either Party is prevented from performing, or is unable to perform, any of its obligations under the Agreement due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Party invoking this provision (including, without limitation, for causes due to war, terrorism, fire, earthquake, flood, hurricane, civil unrest, acts of God, epidemics, pandemics, extraordinary governmental action, labor union strikes, telecommunications outage or delays not caused by the obligated Party, denial of service attacks, or other similar causes) (“Force Majeure Event”), the affected Party’s performance will be excused and the time for performance will be extended for the period of delay or inability to perform due to such occurrence; provided that the affected Party: (a) provides the other Party with prompt notice of the nature and expected duration of the Force Majeure Event; (b) uses commercially reasonable efforts to address and mitigate the cause and effect of such Force Majeure Event; (c) provides periodic notice of relevant developments; and (d) provides prompt notice of the end of such Force Majeure Event. Delays in fulfilling the obligations to pay hereunder are excused only to the extent that payments are entirely prevented by the Force Majeure Event. If Canveo Services are not restored within thirty (30) days of the Force Majeure Event, Customer may terminate the Agreement upon providing written notice to Canveo, and in such case, Canveo will provide a prorated refund to Customer for any prepaid fees received by Canveo under the Agreement that correspond to the unused portion of the Term. 

13.5 Trade Restrictions. The Canveo Services, Documentation, and the provision and any derivatives thereof are subject to the export control and sanctions laws and regulations of the United States and other countries or country groups that may prohibit or restrict access by certain persons or from certain countries or territories (“Trade Restrictions”). 

(a) Each Party shall comply with all applicable Trade Restrictions in performance of the Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in the Agreement is intended to induce or require either Party to act in any manner which is penalized or prohibited under any applicable laws, rules, regulations or decrees.

(b) Each Party represents that it is not a Restricted Party. “Restricted Party” means any person or entity that is: (i) located or organized in a country or territory subject to comprehensive U.S. sanctions (currently including Cuba, Crimea, Iran, North Korea, Syria) or EU sanctions ("Sanctioned Territory"); (ii) owned or controlled by or acting on behalf of the government of a Sanctioned Territory; (iii) an entity organized in or a resident of a Sanctioned Territory; (iv) identified on any list of restricted parties targeted under U.S., EU or multilateral sanctions, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (“OFAC” ) List of Specially Designated Nationals and Other Blocked Persons, the OFAC Sectoral Sanctions List, the U.S. State Department's Nonproliferation Sanctions and other lists, the U.S. Commerce Department’s Entity List or Denied Persons List located at https://www.export.gov/article?id=Consolidated-Screening-List, the consolidated list of persons, groups and entities subject to EU financial sanctions from time to time; or (v) owned or controlled by, or acting on behalf of, any of the foregoing.

(c) Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for complying with, and shall comply with, Trade Restrictions applicable to any of its own or its Affiliates' or Authorized Users’ content or Customer Data transmitted through the Canveo Services. Customer shall not and shall not permit any Authorized User to access, use, or make the Canveo Services available to or by any Restricted Party or to or from within any Sanctioned Territory.

13.6 Anti-Corruption. In connection with the Canveo Services performed under the Agreement and Customer’s use of the Canveo Services, the Parties agree to comply with all applicable anti-corruption and anti-bribery related laws, statutes, and regulations.

13.7 Publicity. Except as specified on an Order Form or as otherwise expressly agreed to by the Parties in writing, neither Party shall refer to the identity of the other Party in promotional material, publications, or press releases or other forms of publicity relating to a Party or the Canveo Services unless the prior written consent of the other Party has been obtained (email sufficient).

13.8 Waiver. The waiver by either Party of any breach of any provision of the Agreement does not waive any other breach. The failure of any Party to insist on strict performance of any covenant or obligation in accordance with the Agreement will not be a waiver of such Party’s right to demand strict compliance in the future, nor will the same be construed as a novation of the Agreement.

13.9 Severability. If any part of the Agreement is found to be illegal, unenforceable, or invalid, the remaining portions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

13.10 Entire Agreement. The Agreement is the final, complete, and exclusive expression of the agreement between the Parties regarding the Canveo Services provided under the Agreement. The Agreement supersedes and replaces, and the Parties disclaim any reliance on, all previous oral and written communications (including any confidentiality agreements pertaining to the Canveo Services under the Agreement), representations, proposals, understandings, undertakings, and negotiations with respect to the subject matter hereof and apply to the exclusion of any other terms that Customer seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice, or course of dealing. The Agreement may be changed only by a written agreement signed by an authorized agent of both Parties. The Agreement will prevail over terms and conditions of any Customer-issued purchase order or other ordering documents, which will have no force and effect, even if Canveo accepts or does not otherwise reject the purchase order or other ordering document.

Service Schedule for Canveo Negotiation and CLM

Version Date: 18 April 2024

This Service Schedule for Canveo Negotiation and CLM (the “Service Schedule”) is made part of the Canveo Master Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) between Canveo and Customer for the use of the Canveo Service to which Customer has subscribed in an Order Form with Canveo. Any term not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning specified in the Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the Agreement and this Service Schedule, the terms of this Service Schedule shall prevail.

1. Definitions

Analytics Data” means any data, output, insights, or other information generated or derived from: (i) Customer’s and Authorized Users’ use of the Canveo Services; and (ii) Customer Data, in each case derived or aggregated in de-identified form.

Canveo Negotiation and CLM” means the following Canveo Services: Canveo Transactions, Canveo Doc Gen, Canveo CLM, Canveo Workflows, and Canveo Knowledge. 

Envelope” means an electronic record containing one or more eDocuments (example: an agreement with two exhibits created in Canveo will count as one Envelope). Envelopes do not encompass legacy contracts that are covered by a migration project separately agreed to between the Parties in an SOW. The storage of such legacy contracts will be subject to a separate commercial agreement between the Parties.

2. Additional Usage Limitations and Customer Responsibilities

2.1 Canveo provides Canveo Negotiation and CLM subject to Customer acknowledging and agreeing to the following conditions:

(a) Nothing in this Service Schedule or the Agreement shall be construed to make Canveo a party to, and Canveo makes no representation or warranty regarding, any content generated, collected, stored, shared, or otherwise processed using Canveo Negotiation and CLM;

(b) Between Canveo and Customer, Customer has exclusive control over and responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, format, and contents of Customer Data and content generated, collected, stored, shared, or otherwise processed using Canveo Negotiation and CLM, the means by which Customer (or its agents or Affiliates) acquired the Customer Data or content, and Customer’s use of the Customer Data or content; 

(c) Customer may use Canveo Negotiation and CLM to send requests for electronic review of Customer Data or content generated, collected, stored, shared, or otherwise processed using Canveo Negotiation and CLM to third-party users who are not Authorized Users (e.g., Customer’s customers and/or vendors). Customer shall be responsible for activities conducted by the third-party users within Canveo Negotiation and CLM and with respect to Customer Data and content;

(d) Canveo is not responsible for determining for how long eDocuments, contracts, Customer Data, and/or other content are required to be retained or stored in Canveo Negotiation and CLM under applicable laws, regulations, or legal or administrative agency processes. Further, Canveo shall not be responsible for producing any of Customer’s eDocuments, Customer Data, or other content to any third party;

(e) Canveo Negotiation and CLM is a tool to be used by Customer in the course of exercising its own professional judgment, and Canveo shall not be liable to Customer or any third party for any decision made or action taken by Customer in reliance on information or content generated, collected, stored, or otherwise processed by Customer using Canveo Negotiation and CLM. Customer acknowledges and agrees that neither Canveo nor Canveo Negotiation and CLM is providing Customer with legal advice and that Customer shall consult its own legal subject matter expert as needed as determined by Customer in Customer’s sole discretion;

(f) Customer shall not use Canveo Negotiation and CLM or Analytics Data to train, calibrate, or validate, in whole or in part, any other systems, programs or platforms, or for benchmarking, software-development, or other competitive purposes;

(g) Certain types of agreements and documents may be excepted from electronic signature laws (e.g. wills and agreements pertaining to family law) or may be subject to specific regulations promulgated by various government agencies regarding electronic signatures and electronic records. Canveo is not responsible or liable to determine whether any particular eDocument is subject to an exception to applicable electronic signature laws, or whether it is subject to any particular agency promulgations, or whether it can be legally formed by electronic signatures;

(h) Certain consumer protection or similar laws or regulations may impose special requirements with respect to electronic transactions involving one or more “consumers,” such as (among others) requirements that the consumer consent to the method of contracting and/or that the consumer be provided with a copy, or access to a copy, of a paper or other non-electronic, written record of the transaction. Canveo does not and is not responsible to: (i) determine whether any particular transaction involves a “consumer”; (ii) furnish or obtain any such consents or determine if any such consents have been withdrawn; (iii) provide any information or disclosures in connection with any attempt to obtain any such consents; (iv) provide legal review of, or update or correct any information or disclosures currently or previously given; (v) provide any such copies or access, except as expressly provided in the Documentation for all transactions, consumer or otherwise; or (vi) comply with any such special requirements;

(i) Customer undertakes to determine whether any “consumer” is involved in any eDocument presented by its Authorized Users for processing, and, if so, to comply with all requirements imposed by law on such eDocuments or their formation.

3. Use of Analytics Data

3.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Canveo may collect, store and use Analytics Data in providing the Canveo Services, supporting Customer’s use of the Canveo Services, improving Canveo products and services, and as part of Canveo’s business operations. Customer may use Analytics Data provided or made accessible by Canveo only for Customer’s internal business purposes in connection with Customer’s use of the Canveo Services and subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 2 of this Service Schedule. This Section 3 shall survive termination or expiration of this Service Schedule and the Agreement.

4. eDocument Storage and Deletion

4.1 Default Storage. By default, an eDocument (including any Customer Data contained in an eDocument) saved by Customer in Canveo Negotiation and CLM will be stored for the duration of the Term, or until the Customer deletes the eDocument, whichever occurs first. If Customer requires a different retention/deletion schedule, Customer shall, through its Account Administrator, set an alternate retention/deletion schedule for eDocuments stored in Canveo Negotiation and CLM.

4.2 Retrieval of eDocuments. During the Term, Customer may use Canveo Negotiation and CLM to retrieve electronic copies of stored eDocuments at no additional cost. If Customer fails to retrieve its eDocuments (including any Customer Data contained in an eDocument) before the Term has expired, Customer may request, no later than ninety (90) days after the Term has expired, that Canveo provide Professional Services to help retrieve eDocuments that remain stored in Canveo Negotiation and CLM, the details of which would be set forth in a SOW for Professional Services. If Customer does not contact Canveo to initiate retrieval within such ninety (90)-day period, then after such ninety (90)-day period has ended, Canveo shall have no obligation to retain or provide any eDocument (including any Customer Data contained in an eDocument), and shall have the right to delete Customer’s Canveo Negotiation and CLM Account and eDocuments (including any Customer Data contained in eDocuments) in Customer’s Canveo Negotiation and CLM Account or otherwise in Canveo’s possession or control.

5. Subscription Plans and Fees

5.1 Canveo Negotiation and CLM is made available based on a prepaid subscription and is subject to any additional restrictions that may be set forth on the applicable Order Form(s). A subscription to Canveo Negotiation and CLM may be based on Envelope Allowance (defined below) and/or Seat Allowance (defined below) and/or  Document Count (defined below), depending on the Canveo Service Customer has purchased, as specified on the applicable Order Form(s).

5.2 “Envelope Allowance" means the cumulative number of Envelopes set forth in the Order Form that may be created by Authorized Users registered in Customer’s Account. There is no individual limit on the number of Envelopes that may be created by each Authorized User, so long as the total volume created by all Authorized Users does not exceed the Envelope Allowance. For purposes of calculating Envelope Allowance:

(a) An Envelope is consumed when created by an Authorized User, regardless of whether the Envelope has been share with any recipients or whether any collaborators have performed any actions upon any eDocument in the Envelope;

5.3 “Seat Allowance” means the maximum number of Authorized Users that Customer may have registered in its Canveo Negotiation and CLM Account at a given time. Authorized Users are assigned by Customer’s Account Administrator. For clarity, Authorized Users may be referred to as “Seats” on an Order Form. No two individuals shall log onto or use Canveo Negotiation and CLM as the same Authorized User, but Customer, through its Account Administrator, may unregister individuals who are Authorized Users and replace them with new individuals as Authorized Users without penalty, so long as Customer does not exceed the Seat Allowance.

5.4Document Count” means the number of eDocuments held within or processed by Canveo Negotiation and CLM that is the sum of: (i) the number of unique eDocuments held within all of Customer’s Canveo Negotiation and CLM instances at any one time; and (ii) the number of eDocuments held in Customer’s Canveo Negotiation and CLM instances that Customer exported or downloaded and then deleted from such instances during the applicable Term.

5.5 Overages

(a) Envelopes. For a subscription to Canveo Negotiation and CLM based on Envelope Allowance, all Envelopes created in excess of the Envelope Allowance during the Term will incur a per-Envelope overage charge at amount specified on the then-current Order Form or at the then-current list price for the applicable subscription type if the amount is not included on the Order Form. Such overage charges would be invoiced monthly in arrears.

(b) Seats. For a subscription to Canveo Negotiation and CLM based on Seat Allowance, if Customer, through its Account Administrator, adds more Authorized Users than permitted under the Seat Allowance, then Customer shall be charged for one additional Seat for each additional Authorized User for the remainder of the Term on a pro rata basis, calculated based on the amount of time remaining in the Term, at the then-current list price for Users of the applicable subscription type (or such other amount as may be specified on the Order Form). Such charges would be immediately due and payable at the time the additional Authorized User(s) was added.

(c) eDocuments. For a subscription to Canveo Negotiation and CLM based on Document Count, if Customer holds or processes eDocuments in Canveo Negotiation and CLM in excess of the permitted Document Count specified on the applicable Order Form(s), then Customer shall be charged a per-eDocument overage fee for each eDocument held or processed in excess of the permitted Document Count at the then-current list price for the applicable subscription type (or such other amount as is specified on the Order Form). Such overage charges would be invoiced monthly in arrears.

6. Third-Party Services

6.1 Docusign. To the extent Customer uses Third-Party Services provided by Docusign, Inc., or any of its Affiliates, made available to Customer by Canveo (rather than Customer using its own Docusign subscription) (“Docusign Third-Party Services”), Customer hereby agrees to be bound by the DocuSign Terms and Conditions for Reseller Customers, available at http://www.docusign.com/company/terms-and-conditions/reseller. Customer hereby acknowledges that the Docusign Third-Party Sevices are provided under a limited-capability, limited-use license for use in conjunction with Canveo Services only.

6.2 Skribble. To the extent Customer uses Third-Party Services provided by Skribble AG, or any of its Affiliates, made available to Customer by Canveo (rather than Customer using its own Skribble subscription) (“Skribble Third-Party Services”), Customer hereby agrees to be bound by the Skribble End Customer Licence Agreement, available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rZop4VqIxZAeYUKsi6vOq2ZZVxcOP3wW/view?usp=sharing . Customer hereby acknowledges that the Skribble Third-Party Sevices are provided under a limited-capability, limited-use license for use in conjunction with Canveo Services only.